Home Setup Maxcoin Virtualbox Development Environment

Setup Maxcoin Virtualbox Development Environment

This is a HOW TO build and run “The Maxcoin Core Wallet” with VirtualBox

Maxcoin’s enhacements are being done using VirtualBox for testing and developing the wallet. Please follow this manual to keep up with maxcoin standards.


Install and Setup the environment

  1. Download and install 7Zip or already have a software that can un7zip 7zip files.
  2. Download VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads and get the one that fits your Operative System.
  3. Download the Ubuntu 18.04.3 VDI (this is the virtualbox image)
  4. Install virtualbox following one of the manuals
  5. un7zip the downloaded VDI 7zip file
  6. Follow the osboxes guide to setup the extracted image https://www.osboxes.org/guide/ at the VirtualBox Section

Setup/Mount a folder to share between guest and host.

To setup a shared folder between guest and host use this guide

NOTE: The guest folder is used for dev and git updates. The host folder is used to compile and run source code in the guest folder.






  • Use a smaller VirtualBox Image (to reduce resources and increase speed)
    • ubuntu server lts
    • lubuntu
  • Integrate the linked manuals to the main howto and use them as references instead
  • Check license for documentation
  1. Document Source
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.