“Proof for the SHA3 Claim that 256 bit security is “POST-QUANTUM SUFFICIENT”?
What security do Cryptographic Sponges offer against generic quantum attacks?
Quantum Attack’s could be the end of Crypto.
Why aren’t we (not maxcoin,but in general) using sha-3?
Estimating the cost of generic quantum pre-image attacks on SHA-2 and SHA-3.
Retargeted with every block Kimoto Gravity Well List: Kimoto Gravity Well Wikia
Maxcoins transaction security has been upgraded with next-generation, Keccak SHA-3 algorithm for Proof of Work. Whilst SHA-2 was designed and developed closed-door by the NSA, Keccak was subject t...
Maxcoin addresses use Schnorr for signing algorithm allowing exciting developments such as “native multisig” to be used, and an upgraded cryptographic field for key generation and an increase in pe...
Keccak SHA-3 algorithm for Proof of Work (PoW)
Schnorr Signing Algorithm